99 Boy Names in the United States

The order of names does not represent superiority. For example 1. Benjamin is not the top chosen name in the US, it’s just the way we collected and summarized data so you can enjoy brainstorming in a very clear structure. Definitely, there are hundreds more popular baby boy names compared to what is reported here. Number 99 is to make selection easier & not let you have dizziness after scrolling for half an hour 200+ names as other blogs might do

1. Benjamin – The name Benjamin comes from the Hebrew words ben (son) and yāmīn (right side or right hand).
2. Oliver – Oliver comes from Old Norse meaning “ancestor’s descendants.” It also stems from the Latin and French words for “olive” or “olive tree”, respectively.
3. Elijah – The name Elijah comes from the Hebrew words El (God) and Yah (Jehovah). It is found in the Old Testament, specifically in the First and Second Books of Kings.
4. Henry – The German boy’s name Henry means “house ruler.” This name receives its meaning from the old German name Heimeric in which Heim means “home” and Ric means “ruler.”
5. Jack – The name Jack is a derivative of John, which originated in medieval England. The name went from John to Johnkin to Jankin to Jackin and finally to Jack.
6. Joseph – The name Joseph comes from the Hebrew verb yasaf (to increase). The name is also found in the New Testament as the husband of the Virgin Mary and the earthly father of Jesus. 
7. John – The name John is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning “graced by God.” It is a solid, traditional name that exudes strength, smartness, and kindness.
8. David – David is a classic boy’s name of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved”. It is derived from the Hebrew name Dawid, which evolved from the Hebrew word dod
9. Aiden – The name Aiden, meaning “little fire,” has roots in Irish mythology. In the Gaelic language, Aodh is the name of the Celtic god of sun and fire.
10. Jacob – It comes from the Old Testament and means “supplanter,” which is often interpreted as someone who seizes, circumvents, or usurps. Jacob comes from the Hebrew name Ya’aqov
11. William – The name comes from Germanic root Wilhelm which is composed of the elements wil (will or desire) and helm (helmet or protection).
12. James – James means the same exact thing as Jacob—“supplanter” or substitute—and comes from the original Hebrew word for Jacob.
13. Liam – Liam is an Irish name meaning “strong-willed warrior” and “protector.” It is the shortened version of the Irish name Uilliam, meaning “helmet of will.”
14. Alexandr – The name Alexander is the Latin form of the Greek name Alexandros. Its meaning is derived from the components alexo (I defend) and aner (man).
15. Ethan – The name Ethan is Hebrew in origin and most often means “strong,” “safe,” “solid,” and “firm.”
16. Owen – The name Owen is of Irish and Welsh origin. Its meanings range from noble, youthful, and well-born.
17. Leo – Stemming from the Latin word for lion, the name Leo dates back centuries. Short version of Leon or Leopold most often and meaning “brave people” or “lion-hearted.”
18. Matthew – The name Matthew stems originally from the Hebrew name Mattityahu, which means “gift of Yahweh,” or “gift of God.” Matthew itself simply means “gift”
19. Anthony – The name Anthony comes from the Roman family name Antonius. Its meaning is debated, though some say it means “priceless one” or “highly praiseworthy.”
20. Thomas – Thomas comes from the Hebrew word “ta’om,” meaning “twin.” It came into English via the New Testament of the Bible, where St. Thomas was one of the 12 apostles of Jesus.
21. Christopher – The name Christopher is derived from the Greek word Christóforos, meaning “bearer of Christ.” It is composed of two Greek elements Christós (Christ) and phero (to bear, carry)
22. Aaron – While it’s spelled Aharon in Hebrew, the “h” is dropped in the Greek variation. Aaron is the version that has been adapted in English. In Arabic, the name means “messenger.”
23. Ryan – Ryan is a classic Irish last name that has become a popular first name for both boys and girls. Ryan comes from the Gaelic words righ and an, which together mean “little king.”
24. Robert – Robert is an old German name that means “bright fame.” It’s taken from the old German name Hrodebert. The name is made up of two elements: “Hrod”- fame and “Beraht” – bright
25. Jonathan – Jonathan is a Hebrew name meaning “God has given.” It is a shortened version of the name Jehonathan.Yeho referring to the Hebrew God and Natan meaning “to give.”
26. Jordan – Jordan is a unique name of both Greek and Hebrew origins. In Hebrew, the name means “to flow down” or “descend.”  
27. Adam – A well-known Hebrew name, Adam means “son of the red Earth.” Its meaning comes from the Hebrew word “adamah” meaning “earth
28. Jason – In Greek, the name means “healer.” This is from the Greek word “iaomai” which means “to heal.” The origin of the name can also be traced to Greek mythology.
29. Mark – It is derived from the Latin name Mart-kos. Mark has also been thought to mean “god of war” and “warlike.
30. Connor – Lover of hounds. Connor is a boy’s name of Irish origins, meaning “lover of hounds.” Perfect for the dog-loving family 
31. Xavier – This name translates to “new house, bright; splendid” which makes for a unique way to celebrate baby as a new addition to your family
32. Jasper – Commonly believed to be of Persian origin, meaning “treasurer”. The etymology of the given name Jasper (of Persian origin) is believed to be unrelated to that of the gemstone jasper
33. Zachary – The name Zachary is boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “the Lord has remembered“. Zachary is the English variation of Zacharias
34. Graham – A popular Scottish surname, Graham actually came from the English town Grantham, which translates to “gravel area” or “gray homestead.
35. Justin – Justin is a Latin masculine name that means “just,” “upright,” or “righteous.” It is the Anglicized form of the Latin name Justinus
36. Kevin – Kevin is a boy’s name of Irish descent, meaning “handsome.” The name derives from the Irish name Caoimhín, which originates from the elements coém and gein, meaning “handsome”
37. Patrick – Meaning “patrician,” “noble,” and “son of Patrick.” Though also a common Anglicized version of the Celtic name Padraig, this title has its roots in Latin.
38. Peter – Peter is a masculine name originating in the Greek language meaning “rock” or “stone.” This name is derived from the Greek version, Petros, which translates to “stone.
39. Edward – It is derived from the Anglo-Saxon name Ēadweard, composed of the elements ēad “wealth, fortune; prosperous” and ward “guardian, protector”.
40. Walter – Old High German Walthari, which is composed of the root words walt—”power”—and hari—”warrior.” Together, these create Walter’s meaning, “commander of the army.
41. Bryan – The original spelling, Brian, gets its meaning from the Irish word brígh, meaning “strong” and “virtuous.”
42. Cody – The name Cody is primarily a male name of English origin that means Helpful. From the Irish/Gaelic surname “Ó Cuidighthigh” which means “helpful.”
43. Bradley – British origin. From the Olde English words brad and leah, this name literally means “broad meadow”
44. Spencer – Spencer is a given name of British origin, that means “steward” or “administrator”. It is a shortened form of the English word dispenser, which derives from Anglo-French dispensour
45. Killian – A variant spelling of Cillian, this name comes from the Celtic word ceallach, and translates to “bright-headed” and “little warrior.
46. Russell – Originated from the surname Russell, which in turn derives from the French name russel (Old Norse rossel) “red-haired, from rus (Old Norse ros) “red hair color”
47. Edgar – From the Old English name Eadgar, a compound of ‘ead’ meaning rich or happy, and ‘gar’ meaning spear
48. Jeffrey – The name translates to “pledge of peace” or “God’s peace” in English. In German, it means “district” or “traveler” and is a twist on the variant, “Geoffrey.
49. Philip – meaning “friend of horses”, composed of the elements (philos) meaning “friend, lover” and (hippos) meaning “horse”. This was the name of the five kings of Macedon
50. Trevor – Spelled Trefor in Welsh, Trevor means “large settlement.” It is a habitational name, meaning that it was given to people to describe the place where they lived.
51. Nolan – Nolan is a cheerful, friendly traditional Irish surname with the appropriate meaning of champion or someone of noble blood.
52. Nathan – The name Nathan has ties to both Nathaniel and Jonathan, with all three names meaning something similar to “Gift of God” or “God has given.”
53. Cooper – Cooper means “barrel maker” and refers to those who made barrels, vats, casks, buckets, and other containers in Medieval England
54. Jeremiah – meaning “Yhwh will raise”, or “God is high”, and having its origin in ancient Hebrew. Jeremias is a form that it takes in some Romance languages
55. George – Derived from the Greek word georgos and the Greek name Georgios, this baby name means “farmer” or “earthworker.” 
56. Ayden – A variant spelling of Aiden, Ayden is an Irish name meaning little fire. Ayden is a gender-neutral name of Irish origin
57. Arthur – In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Arthur is: From the Roman clan name Artorius, meaning noble, courageous
58. Elliot – Elliott is a gender-neutral name of Hebrew origin meaning “the Lord is my God.” Originally a biblical name derived from Elijah
59. Brandon – In Old English, Brandon was originally a place-name meaning “gorse-hill.” While other sources mention Old English elements: brant, meaning “steep”, “deep”; and dūn, meaning “hill
60. Alan – The name Alan is of Gaelic origin and means “handsome, cheerful. While other sources mention that it could be the German boy’s name, Alan, meaning “precious.”
61. Abraham – Abraham is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “father of multitudes” or “father of a nation.” As recounted in the Torah, his name was originally Avram which means “High Father”
62. Jesse is a given name, mostly masculine, of English and Dutch origin. The given name was originally derived from the Hebrew name Yishai which means “God exists”
63. Joel or Yoel is a male given name derived from Standard Hebrew, meaning “the Lord is God.” In the Old Testament, Joel was one of King David’s ‘mighty men’
64. Riley is a gender-neutral name with two meanings. One is derived from the original Gaelic word raghalach, which means “valiant.”
65. Paul a derivative of Paulus, this name means “small” or “humble.” Paul is a popular choice among Christians and is associated with the disciple Saint Paul.
66. Kenneth is similar to “Ken”, or “Kenny”. The meaning of “handsome” when the nickname is used, but means “Born of Fire”, “Royal Obligation
67. Marshall is an occupation name whose origin is from the Frankish mare (“horse”)
skalkoz (“servant”). It is most commonly found as a surname, but may also be used as a given name
68. Travis is mainly an English masculine given name of French origin. It is derived from the word “traverser” or “to cross”, and was given to toll collectors who stood by a bridge or crossing.
69. Sullivan means “dark eyes.” It is derived from the Irish word súildhubhán, which is broken down from súil, meaning “eye,” and dubh, meaning “black.”
70. Franklin means “Free Man” which is of English coming from the medieval English Frankeleyn, coming from the Anglo-Norman fraunclein
71. Collin is a variant spelling of the Gaelic name Colin. In Scotland, Colin comes from the Gaelic “caileán” which means ‘cub’ or ‘young one’.
72. Harvey is an English family and given name derived from the Old Breton name Huiarnviu, derived from the elements hoiarnhuiarn meaning “iron” & viu “blazing” or “Battle Worthy”
73. Kendrick is a boy’s name of Scottish, English origin meaning “royal ruler, champion“. The Anglo-Saxon name Cyneric meaning cyne (royal, of a king) + rīks (king, ruler)
74. Hank means “estate or home ruler”. Originally a short form of Hankin, which was a medieval diminutive of John

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